Day 7

  • Bad morning
  • Similar to the situation happening on last tuesday
  • Seem to get a better mood quickly because when the class performed in front of parents during the Parents Information Session (PIS), she’s in a good shape
  • Notice that few classmates dont come, and asking why they dont come?
  • Recognize more names e.g Kael (Mikael), Enzo, Rayya, etc
  • Left her water bottle in the car as she was whining in the morning
  • She doesnt like most of today’s lunch menu, only finish carrot from the soup and left the rest untouched
  • Someone remove her bag from her favorite compartment
  • Asking why we put the bags in compartments here in the new school? Why the compartments are not labelled? She likes the way her old school keeps the bags tidy by hanging them outside the class and label the hanger, so each student has 1 hanger specially assigned for him/her


Notes from parents information session

A. Cooking activity with parents

  • Feb 1st, children and teachers will go to grocery store - Yogya Junction, buy the ingredients
  • Feb 2nd, parents will cook with children at school
  • Class will be splitted into 6 groups, so each group will consists of 2-3 parents + kids
  • Each group will be assigned to cook 1 menu either corn soup, scrambled egg, or juice

B. Excursion to Cimory-tentatively by end of Feb: children will see dairy cow, learn where the milk served on their table is originally from

C. Poster campaign - cook at home with parents, choose a simple menu

  • Post max 6 pictures on a manila paper about the ingredients, process, and final result
  • Write down on the poster: name of the food (encourage your kids to write by themselves), ingredients, process and final result. Help them to write complex sentences or spell the words for them
  • Children requested to explain at class about their poster

D. Collecting information from parents

  • Parents’ favorite food&drink
  • My dinner: (assisted by parents) write down the menu for 5 respective days and report back to class in the upcoming week. Adding some photos on the note will help children to recall what they eat, so they’d be able to explain better in class